Tuesday, 29 January 2013

The Brave One

We Naturally Rebel against the System because We were not BORN of the System. The System is heavily Flawed and Corrupt and goes against Our Divine Mother Earth and Father Cosmos. Our sisters and brothers; Stars, shinning bright to remind us of Our ways and the ways of Our Ancestors. To remind us Why We are Here Today. We are children of Infinite Wisdom and Love. When THEY tell Us the sky is red, We see that the sky is blue. When THEY tell us the trees are dying. We Know the Trees are asleep. Dormant from the Long Hard Winter's Passed. THEY tell us to jump. We stand in difiance because We do not FEAR THEM!!! THEY are NOT our Masters. Our bodies may fall from THEIR bullets and THEIR poisons, but OUR SPIRITS will RISE from the ashes and shine Brighter than the Sun! WE are NOT here to CAUSE WAR!! WE are here to END it with acts of Peace and of Love.

Thank You for reading.