Monday 13 May 2013

Vital Eyewitness Messages from The Afterlife.

This morning I was curious to see what I would find via Google if I looked up, "ritual preparations to aid loved ones into the afterlife." I have been curious all my life about life after leaving this physical world and body. So it comes to no surprise that I would find this website with this message and it would make total sense to me. Maybe you can have a look and see if it resonates in you as well? 

Below is the excerpt that I found and read.

by Victor Zammit

At a time when quantum physics is leading us to question the nature of existence and physicists are writing of alternate realities and of the creative power of consciousness, what is amazing is both the incredible beauty and the highly persuasive internal consistency that emerges from the picture of the afterlife which emerges from numerous sources from around the world.
Vital eyewitness messages from the afterlife
Vital messages from afterlife intelligences transmitted in different countries to us humans on this earth in the last few decades REPEATEDLY inform us that, (succinctly put):
• All humans survive physical death, irrespective of their beliefs.
• At the point of death we take our mind with all its experiences, our character and our etheric (spirit) body—which is a duplicate of the earth body. It comes out of the earth body on the point of death and is connected to the earth body by a silver chord. Death occurs when the silver cord is severed from the physical body. Silver Birch, a high Intelligence from the afterlife who has transmitted more than nine books, informs us that in the afterlife the etheric body and our surroundings will be just as solid as our world seems to us now.
• The state of mind at the point of death is crucial. Some pass over consciously and are fully aware of the loved ones who come to welcome the new arrival; others are unconscious and are taken to a special place of rest.
• Those who on earth are deeply caught in very strong addictions— drugs, alcohol, gambling, tobacco, or overindulgence in sex can get caught on the astral level trying to satisfy them.
• Some people at the point of death find it easy to get out of the dead physical body. With others, helpers need to actively assist in the transition. Some very materialistic people will have a very heavy duplicate body and it will be more difficult for them to separate from their dead physical body.
• A WARNING: Some hallucinogenic drugs have the potency to lift the duplicate out of the physical body. Seen by entities from the afterlife, drug takers, '...have pathetic looks as if they had no soul... they are vacant behind the eyes. When out of the body other lower entities try to enter the drug-taker's body—then you have possession.'
• There is no such thing as heaven 'up in the sky' or hell 'down below': the location of the afterlife does not change from the earth plane—different spheres interpenetrate—from the highest vibrations to the lowest.
• Those with dogmatic, unalterable fixed ideas about what to expect immediately after death are likely to experience serious problems.
• Atheists, agnostics and others may not be encumbered from passing on to the higher spheres—what they did in their lifetime and the motivation for what they did will be important not what they believed in.
• Love, unconditional love, is the most powerful force known in the universe.
• Unconditional love is the irretrievable link with our loved ones in the afterlife.
• Ordinary reasonable people are met by their loved ones—soul-mates are reunited. Higher Intelligences inform us that in the afterlife our appearance can regress to our best age—for most people from the early to mid twenties.
• Loved ones from the afterlife, recently arrived and others, do have the power to visit loved ones still living on earth.
• Recently arrived loved ones, usually within three months of transition, are permitted to transmit visually—by way of dreams or by apparition and other means—evidence that they are still alive.
• The kind of life to be lived in the afterlife—the beauty, peace, light and love which await most people are unimaginable.
• One can still learn spiritual lessons in the afterlife and progress to higher even more beautiful spheres.
• Once you enter the afterlife, you will experience a feeling of enormous lightness.
• Any physical disabilities people had on earth will disappear—once they have adjusted mentally there will be no such thing as deformity, sickness, blindness or any other thing which adversely affected them on earth.
• The mind has enormous power in the afterlife. It can create matter there and can cause the body to travel at the speed of thought e.g. you imagine you are at any place in the world and you are there instantly.
• Those who were consistently evil are either left alone or are met by those others of the same very low vibrations, with the same very low spirituality to be attracted to the darker lower spheres.
• Some people on earth have a much better transition to the afterlife than others—the more knowledge we have about the afterlife, the easier the transition.
• Some people get stuck 'between the two worlds'. Because they still feel themselves solid, they do not accept that they have actually died. Many get into mental confusion and could get lost for decades and for much longer.
• Energy—positive or negative—is a 'boomerang'. When you send out good energy towards someone that good energy is returned sooner or later. If you send out negative energy by unfairly being dishonest against someone, or by cheating or lying or harassing or discrediting or causing harm to someone?that kind of negative energy will inevitably return to you.
• ‘You will reap what you sow' is the recognized universal spiritual law. Karma means you will not get away with it. All negative deeds against others have to be experienced for the purpose of 'continuous spiritual refinement'.
• Every thought, every word and deed is recorded... in your life review you will experience the ripple effects of all of them .
• In the higher spheres you will be able to recall and see any event in any period of your existence three dimensionally.
• Abuse of power and systematic harassment of others are two of the most karmic actions. Horrific karma awaits those whose task it was to protect society but themselves willfully abused their power, indulged in willful transgressions and caused harm and injury to others.
• You will NOT be excused for your evil behavior by claiming that you were just obeying orders.
• Cruelty—mental or physical against humans or animals—is highly karmic and is never justified.
• It is guaranteed that those who consistently abuse and harass others will have to face their victims, in the afterlife before severest retribution.
• After the severest retribution of those who intentionally harassed and deliberately violated other peoples' rights, the transgressors will have to apologize and seek forgiveness by the victims before they are allowed to make any progress.
• Hell for eternity and eternal damnation were invented by men to manipulate the hearts and the minds of the unaware—they do NOT exist. Whilst there ARE lower spheres in the afterlife which are particularly dark, unpleasant and even horrific—some call them 'hell'—ending up there is NOT for eternity. The universal Law of Progress ensures that at some time in the future those with lower vibrations will eventually, even if it takes eons of time—centuries even thousands of years—obtain higher vibrations and graduate to the higher spheres.
• No one judges you or condemns you to the lower spheres. You condemn yourself to the lower horrific spheres ('hell') by the low vibrations (low spirituality) you acquired during life on earth.
• Deathbed conversion? We have been and we are repeatedly being informed by Higher Sources that immediately after we die our vibrations do not change—not even if one repents shortly before death. We take with us the accumulated vibrations (spirituality)
we gained or lost during our whole lifetime on earth. Baptism, repentance are absolutely meaningless as a way of getting ' a better deal ' immediately after death.
• If you helped just one person to attain the true knowledge you would have justified your existence on earth?Silver Birch.
• Preventing others from accessing true knowledge is highly karmic.
• No one on earth or elsewhere can hurt you spiritually.
• People on earth are not all born spiritually equal.
• Selfishness is one of the greatest transgressions against spirituality and is highly karmic.
• Not everybody has to 'reincarnate.'
• You do not come into this world to have a dream run—without pain, suffering, without problems. The more varied your experience, the more learning from many mistakes, the more valuable your lifetime.
• Many of you will be cheated, maligned, unfairly harassed... but justice will be done... not in your world maybe but certainly in the world to come.
• The universal laws operate whether or not you are aware of them.
• Whenever there is an inconsistency between science and a belief system—such as religion, traditional belief or skepticism, science inevitably prevails.
• Being religious does not necessarily mean being spiritual.
• Not participating in religious rituals e.g. baptism, confessions and non-belief in creeds and dogmas does NOT encumber anyone from attaining higher spiritually and the higher afterlife spheres.
• In the afterlife communicating is done by telepathy.
• Communicating from and to the earthplane with those in the afterlife can be (and is being) done by telepathy.
• There are some inherent dangers in communicating with entities from the afterlife.
• Those from the afterlife can read our minds and can put thoughts and ideas into our minds. Lower, mischievous entities can put negative thoughts and ideas and the positive more enlightened entities assist us with positive thoughts and ideas. A great deal is left to the exercise of free will.
• We are at liberty to call the powerful protectors from the afterlife to assist us in coping with our everyday problems but they will not make decisions for us.
• Materialists and others spend too much time worrying about their last ten or twenty years on earth and do not spend a tiny fraction of their time thinking what's going to happen to them in the next ten, twenty thousand years, fifty thousand years... and much, very much longer.
• What will happen to a person who suicides will depend on a number of things. Motivation is always very important. For example, there will be a big difference if one commits suicide because of inevitable death and one who suicides to avoid responsibilities. Those who take their own lives to avoid problems and responsibilities are likely to increase their problems and responsibilities in the afterlife.
• There are different levels of spheres in the afterlife—from the lowest vibrations to the highest. On physical death we go to the sphere which can accommodate the vibrations we accumulated throughout our life on earth. Simplistically put, most ordinary people are likely to go to the 'third' sphere—some people call it the Summerland. The higher the vibrations, the better the conditions—which will take us to the higher spheres. We are informed that the higher spheres are too beautiful to even imagine. For those with very, very low vibrations, very serious problems do exist.
• Consistent with the Law of Progress, eventually, even if it takes eons of time, all will progress to the higher spheres,
• Like attracts like in the afterlife. Unlike on the earth plane, those with lower vibrations cannot mix freely with those in the higher spheres.
• There truly is a war between the Forces of the Light and the Forces of Darkness. Those who continuously disseminate darkness: ignorance, false and pernicious propaganda, hatred, harassment of others, abuse of power, lying, cheating, dominance to exploit and other negative energy will attract—and are very likely to become part of the Forces of Darkness. Those others spreading and working towards greater understanding, knowledge, peace, love, light, harmony and other positive energy will attract and become part of the Forces of the Light.
• Self responsibility—ultimately, you yourself are responsible for all acts and omissions during your time on the earth plane.

Friday 5 April 2013

A reminder to my sisters and brothers.
Share this if it resonates in you, Share it with those who need it most. We are all Messengers Spreading the Love.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously
give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.
a return to love - marianne williamson"

I found this on a website I visited this morning. May it be a beacon of light to those who read this. Pass it on as I have, Be a messenger and share the message to those who need it most.

Saturday 30 March 2013

Lady Sings the well

in limbo. Stolen goods, merchant left to die here.
Once a traveler of the cosmos, reduced to a mundane human body.
Stuck.... Trapped..... always homesick.
Relentless yearnings for Home and Familia.
One desire to escape this mortal coil and rejoin the universe.
Stuck. Trapped. Always Homesick.
Why can't they all just wish me away?

Thursday 21 February 2013

Creeps,Women and Lack of Integrity

I think the reason women have a hard time getting along and trusting each other is because of men. Men have little to no self control when it comes to Women, or so they claim.
Women know this and so they look at each other like competition [even in friendships] because they know Women KNOW better.
All women know that Men chase them. And women like to be chased. Regardless if the man is with a woman or not. No integrity, loss of Dignity.
Women think that, at any point the man they have their eyes on will at some point have his eyes on her friend or other women.
Women, being Emotional,  know that if her "friend" really cared about her, she wouldn't provoke or entice her "man of choice". That when and if that "man of choice" shows interest in her, she, being the good friend that she is, wouldn't proceed with the man. Rather enforcing her integrity as a Lady and decline his scheming ass.
No women today don't seem to have much integrity along with men.... and they see each other as Enemies when we are supposed to see each other as Sisters. Why is it this way? And why do women fight over men? It is such a ridiculous spectacle to witness, two women fighting over a man who stands there laughing, watching them fight, and cares nothing for either of them. I think both those women should go after the man and fight him. hahahaa. Oh that would be funny to watch. I joke but yeah, it's pathetic really.

Oh man, I once ventured to this planet three times the size of Earth, where their society is far more primitive but far less warped than ours here on Earth. The beings on this planet, lived off the land like Natives on Planet Earth did. They lived in trees, in caves, in mountains, in huts made from the skin of Huge Terrifying Beasts they had to fight. They built homes in hillsides and even in and on the water. Really spectacular how clean and beautiful this planet was. They're technology was  like that of Egypt and Ancient China. And they didn't suck up natural resources like Oil from their planet. They used wind, solar, lunar, water, fire,steam and even their own energy to power anything they invented. I mean with two suns and five moons,  I wouldn't doubt such a power source.
When I visited with different Tribes, I noticed a major difference in the way they treat each other. There was no sense of control and domination. They lived only to control themselves individually. They didn't live by any rules except ONE. No killing unless in defense. There was this one tribe in particular that stood out because of the very nature of this topic entry; Creeping, (cheating).
This one tribe, the Tsjuru, believed in mating for life. Once you choose (intercourse) a Mate, you are therefore considered married and stay with them forever. Yes the Tsjuru mate for Life. So naturally they are selective about who they choose. They have this Ritual Dance Ceremony at the beginning of the First Lunar Cycle, under a New moon and then again under a Full moon. Where both Male and Female dress up in colourful feathers and beads, they wear coulourful makeup on their faces and natural flora dyes in their hair. The females stand in a circle while the Males dance in the centre. The Elders and those who have choosen a Life mate, participate by Dressing the dancers and playing the drums and singing.  The female chooses the male in most cases but I've seen Males chose Females too.
He dances for her attention, and if she desires him she will dance with him and then they go before the Shaman to get her blessings. If their spirits are matched up well. Then the Male will take her to his hut and they consummate their "love"eternal. It is highly RARE for couples to split up. If he should choose to leave her for another female without her knowing, he is then castrated and sent out into the wilderness alone to die. If she leaves him for another male, without him knowing, then she is castrated and sent out into the wilderness alone to die. It is that simple. They take mating seriously.
 It is also no wonder to me that, many Tsjuru members do not mate until they are fully mature in their heart chakra and or that they have found their twin flame. They are not allowed to partake in this Ritual Dance Ceremony before they acquire blessings from the Shaman of the Tribe. Once they are seen to be balanced and ready they may partake in the Ritual of Love.
The Tsjuru tribe also believe in reincarnation, twin flames and soulmates. They believe their spirits are reincarnated into different members of the tribe to experience Love all over again. So it is not odd to see a Young male with an older female or a young female with an older male. I was fortunate enough to meet these two young Tsjurus Twin flames, wishing to hasten their Love Bond because they were reincarnated together and found each other early on. Fhjahima and Ftulu were born on the same day to different mothers within the tribe. When the Shaman aided in their births, She saw in them, reincarnated spirits. She knew they were twin flames by the signature spirit when looking into their eyes. She knew they were destined to love each other so she advised the two mother's to stay close to each other.
The mother's listened and became good friends, much like sisters. So Fhjahima and Ftulu grew up and became best friends almost instantly. They told me a story about when they were just toddlers, and it was time for them to go home, they would cry and scream because they were being separated. They kept reaching out while the mother's walked away. It was so bad that the mother's decided to just move closer together so that they wouldn't have to hear them scream. That was the only time they cried. When being separated.  It was when they were in their teenage years that they began to realize they were lovers in a passed life and that they still had love for each other in that way. They wanted to consummate and marry straight away but they needed to speak with the Shaman first to get her blessings. Since she knew of their situation she granted them their wish after performing a Bond Strengthen Ritual that would reconnect their souls and make them One eternally.  I was so honored to witness this as a guest to the land. Truly honored and amazed that so much LOVE existed in a large group of beings.
There were no wars on this planet, none at all. Because everyone had a respect for Life. No one felt as if they OWNED anything. They believed they were living on borrowed time, in borrowed bodies and on borrowed land so it was not theirs to SELL or BUY, only their to Tend and care for. All tribes SHARED with each other and traded with one another, they even had ceremonial feasts together where they'd dance and sing, tell stories around a fire, share technology and sciences and knowledge of the ancients. None would fight.Because they believed they were all connected, all One, all brothers and sisters. They also didn't eat the flesh of beasts. They ate the fruits and vegetables, and grains. True harmony balanced planet of higher consciousness. The only way I was able to visit was through the gateway of Dreaming. While my body rested here on planet Earth, My spirit traveled far far away to another planet in another galaxy where Peace and Serenity ruled over the land.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Blood Moon

I dreamed, I arrived at a beach side hotel with my aunt for a vacation weekend. She didn't want to go alone and invited me to go along. When we arrived, I put my things down by the bed and walked over to the window opened the shades and looked outside at the ocean. We arrived in the evening. It was nearly pitch black in the skies, the stars were bright and twinkling. My aunt went to the bathroom then said, "ok i'm going to the casino if you need me." I said ok and she was gone. I stayed by the window watching. I had no desire to leave the room for some reason. The ocean I noticed was getting wild and the tide was coming in. The moon was full and bright. The water got so wild that I thought it was going to come inland. But it didn't just crashed along the rocks on the beach.
Then I went into another dream, still night time but this time I was in the car on route 22 with my ex. He was driving, we were arguing. It was still a full moon. I looked out the window because I was sick of hearing his mouth and listening to him spew all these lies and assumptions of who he thought I was. I felt like he knew nothing and didn't care to even want to know. I didn't want to hear another word from his mouth so he shut up and drove me home. I looked up at the moon and saw that it was bleeding. Blood was dripping upwards from the bottom of the moon to the top until it was covered in this red substance. Finally, he pulled up to my home and I got out the car without saying goodbye. I just stared at the blood moon forgetting he even existed in the first place. I walked into my yard and stopped, mesmerized by this moon. I could see Sirius, Orion, Pleiades, and Venus in the sky. Finally I was able to move so I ran in the house and woke my sister and mother up, told them to come outside and see this moon. They did and were like, "woah" They'd never seen it so red before either. I looked down on the grass and saw these raw precious stones. I gathered them and took them inside and joined them under this blood red moon.

When i looked this up in my dream Dictionary. It mentioned that the moon could symbolize DEATH. It can also be my bodies warning as to getting my period. I think it was both. Because the Death could of been the death of the relationship between me and my ex. While under the new moon I received my monthly visitor.

Mission Dream: The Killing Moon

Ok Fair Warning!! This dream is quite graphic and gets violent. So if you have problems with violence and bloodshed I suggest you just skip this one.

Karma Police

In this dream, I received orders to go to a hotel room. I had a partner this time. Another woman, we were to seduce this man back to our room in the same hotel he was at. We met him in the hotel Bar Lounge. We were dressed to look very appealing. I was quite uncomfortable, (being that I am a bit Tomboyish)  but I managed to walk in the heels without rubble ankles. The man we were targeting was a known serial rapist and murderer of women and girls from age 12 on up. My partner began enticing him while I prepared everything else. I was on cell phone speaking to my superior. Their voice was automated but for protection purposes.
They told me to get him to the room and take him out, but we had to make sure he was the one they wanted. Told me to scan him once he's in our custody. And to call them back when we had him.

So I rejoined my partner who was heavily flirting with him, his hands were on her ass, for some odd reason I got a little heated but maintained controlling that emotion. I felt like he shouldn't be touching her because he was disgusting and she was pure. I could feel her disgust as well as she turned to look at me walking over, she gave me a look with her eyes like Lets get this over with. She asked me, "Are we set honey?" I nodded and smiled. He was kissing her on her shoulders running his hands down her waist. He looked up to see me and smiled reaching out for me to join them.
"oh yeah, there's that sexy thing. Commere you fuckin Minx, you. Oh I can't wait to get you both back to the room. I'm gonna give it to you so hard!!"
It took all I had to control what I really wanted to do to him. I took his hand and he pulled me over to him into his arms and tried to tongue me down but i put my hands up to stop him.
 "mmmm hold on baby. There's plenty of time for that, lets go back to our room and have a little fun! Show us what you can do Daddy."
My partner grabbed her purse and off we walked arm in arm with him watching us. He licked his nasty lips and took the last swig of his drink and joined us. Didn't even leave a tip for the bartender. Once we got up to the room I received another call, I pretended I had to go to the bathroom. He was on the bed cutting up some coke for my partner to take. She pretended to sniff it up. I was on the phone again with our superior.
"Scan him then Take him out." the voice said.
"Kill him?" I asked to make sure.
"Yes. He is obsolete. His life is useless. Take him out but do not get caught." The other line went dead.
I inhaled deeply. In a way I was scared because I'd never taken a life before. But then I was excited because The world would be LESS one Predator. I thought i'd better get out there before he does something to my partner. So I left the bathroom and stood there. He was rubbing his hands all over her, she glanced over to me like, "What the Hell? What are you doing?" I walked over and scanned him while he was involved. Once the scan was complete, I took my purse strap and from behind him put it around his neck and pulled him off her. She jumped up as he tried getting loose. She kicked him with her heels in the gut then in the genitals. He couldnt even scream because I was cutting off his air. I let the strap loose and he fell to the floor catching his breath. I stood infront of my partner to protect her.
"YOU FUCKING BITCHES!! WHAT THE FUCK ---?!!" He grabbed at his throat which now had a red ring around it. "It's time for you to pay for the lives you took without any remorse. It is time for you to die the way your victims died. Karma Police taking you Out." I jumped on him and held him down while my partner tortured his genitals stomping him in his testicles. He tried pushing me off but I was too heavy, I used my metal elemental to make me extremely solid and heavy weight. Although I looked 120lbs I began to press 300 more lbs on top of him the more he fought and pushed the more weight I added. I laughed the way he laughed when he tortured his victims. I even used a catch phrase he used before he took them out. Then I ripped into his jugular vain and watched him bleed to death before us. Blood everywhere. I jumped off him as he grabbed his neck bleeding to death. It was very gruesome. I suppose this was a dream from the Dark Side of the Moon? My moon.....The Killing Moon.

An Escort Mission Dream

Last night I had a dream I went into a department store, Just before closing time I walked into the bathroom and waited for them to close. Once they did, I walked out and was the only one in the store beside two security guards who were talking to each other on the other side of the store. I grabbed some shirts and pants, and some wintry boots, 2 hats and coats. Then I left out the bathroom window.  I ended up breaking into some store that sold precious stones and gems. I grabbed only what I needed, a citrine, Amethyst, Obsidian and 2 quartz 5 point crystals. 

Once I was done "shoplifting" I began my mission. Which was to find someone and escort them home. I looked for what seemed forever. Ended up all over the world. By traveling by the speed of thought. Ended up on another planet or reality it seemed. There it was night or seemed like night. There were no stars just circuits shooting across the sky and along the "ground" surface. Which was a shiny black platform like a game or motherboard. Was I in some computer construct? Reminded me a little of Tron with the light circuits traveling back and forth. There was a bridge that was reminiscent of the George Washington Bridge in New York except that it was completely made of Light energy. I felt something and was drawn to the bridge. So I climbed down to the base of the bridge and whatever was there drew me further, closer. It was an androgynous spirit being, quite young, not even a full life cycle. I greeted them carefully and kindly showing them my energy was pure love. They were very timid and scared. Lost and confused as to how they got there. I told them I would help them get home safely and not to worry. As I was about to answer some questions they had about how they got there, I noticed movement above us.

 Soul Catchers were paroling, there were six of them dressed in these black police military uniforms with a red dot on the sleeve of their jackets. They carried these black wands that would shoot out a static energy web to capture souls. I didn't want to alarm the soul so I ushered them along under the bridge out of sight. There was this black mercury like substance that separated the two cities. I knew we couldn't swim in it. I looked around and found some scrap metals, one was big enough to sit in and ride across the fluid body. As we floated in this metal scrap bowl the Soul Catchers saw us and they started coming after us. I held my charge and imagined up in a submersive  It bent and folded around us and we sunk beneath the mercury. But this was not a good idea as this mercury stuff seemed to slow down my thinking process. The submersive started to shake and rattle.The pressure was too intense for the metal so I let go of thought controlling this metal and let it float back up to the surface, it bounced up in the air and that's when I used my mind to think us somewhere safe and just in time because the Soul Catchers were climbing down  the bridge to get to us. When I opened my eyes we were in what looked like a forest in the mountains. 

Covered in what looked like snow. When I touched it though it was not cold and was soft almost like cotton or mashed potatoes. There was a cabin nearby and we walked towards it to get out of the opening until I was able to scan the area. The cabin was small but spacious and comfy and warm. There was a fireplace and a kitchen, a living area and stairs that lead upstairs to a bedroom and bathroom. I scanned the cabin, no signs of life or movement outside of us. I scanned outside, the only life showing up on the scanner were birds and two deer. 
I fed my charge, and we roasted marshmallows by the fireplace, we even went outside to play in the snow. We had a snowball fight and then built an igloo. but in the evening, i heard voices. It sounded like Soul Catchers, I quietly ran to the window and saw movement in the distance in the trees. I tossed water on the fire and saw them getting closer. They were SC's and they were dressed in Bear Skin and Elk horns. They carried pistols that shot out static enrgy webs to stun their prey. I ran over to my charge and told them to think of home. We both thought together and vanished at the speed of thought. 

Then I woke up.